You can't get there from here – Why mainstream media is way up a creek…

Jason K sent me this link the other day – “You can’t get there from here – Why mainstream media is way up a creek…”

Jason was asking if I thought he should share it with the newsroom – thinking it may freak them out or whatever…and my first reaction was “send it to them”, thinking it would se them off adn makethem think.

Then, I read the article again – and I was like “send it to them”, but for a different reason…to show them what these people are thinking.

But my real question/problem is I’m not sure if I get it. I just have a hard time thinking “people” or “the community” would report news if the media organizations were not involved. Do you really think Joe Shmoe would report on something – do we really think the community is that strong?

I just don’t see it – I would love to hear or find an example to compare this to…any thoughts?